Bridges, the main way of transport to neighbour's houses:

There are multiple islands as seen below in the 2 photos, in the middle of paddy fields. These islands usually house a single hut and numerous coconut trees. Seen here is our neighbour's property. un occupied for nearly a decade. Now you know why the place is still pristine. Its void of people - the chief pollutants.

Spend a week here and the memories of colours other than green will fade away from your brain! whats seen below is the view from the front yard of the house

Seen below is the beloved backyard where we spent whole vacations hanging on trees and scouring up earthworms and other similarly highly intellectual activities.

Wanna spend my next vacation there! I am seeing pics of Kerala time and again, yet haven't gone there for a vacation...
The pics bring back memories of the campus I used to live in - Theosophical Society. Have you been there?
have been wanting to visit theo society for a long time. i was in fact bugging Amalan about it, since he said he visited it recently. you lived there?? lucky you!
Green green, gods own country
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